Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Recruiting Update

We have 5 teams open at the moment. I guess it's possible that specimen could still return - he hasn't logged in to his other teams since 5/7 and has not answered sitemail, so I don't know what's up with him.

We haven't had anywhere near the response to our ad on the Classifieds that we did last year, so I'm planning a voluminous sitemail recruiting campaign. I've sent about 25 of the following email so far, and will send aother batch this evening:

Re: Joey Belle

Joey Belle, recently ranked 8th in Green's Rankings of HBD Worlds, is looking for 4 owners for its upcoming season (its 12th). We're looking for owners who:

1) Have good records over multiple seasons in their current worlds;
2) Don't already have a lot of teams (more than 3);
3) Are active in their worlds.
4) Like to keep their teams for the long haul

You look like you may be what we want. If you're considering adding another world and like a highly competitive but friendly world with active owners and a superior blog, check us out. We have profiles of the available teams up on the HBD Clasifieds.

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